Professional Development

Bring Danny Hill to your school or district!

Hear Danny clearly articulate the Power of ICU formula:

Assignment Completion + Quality Assignments + Healthy Grading Practices = Student Success

We now have overwhelming evidence that poor assignments/assessments and unhealthy grading practices demotivate many students and contribute to high failure rates. Every student completes every quality assignment in a Power of ICU school and student success is rampant. Take the first step in success by bringing Danny Hill to your campus.

Danny Hill is a nationally respected authority on student apathy and school culture. He has taught science, economics, history, health, and coached football and basketball. He served four years as a high school assistant principal in charge of student management and curriculum. Danny was appointed principal of Southside, a large K-8 school, where he remained for twenty years. Under his leadership, Southside grew into a highly respected school that enjoyed a positive reputation with the faculty, students, parents and community.

Danny has presented to over a million educators across the United States and is also a motivational speaker, teacher, author, and educational consultant. He co-founded and is chief manager of Power of ICU. He and his wife and family live in Middle Tennessee.


Power of ICU Workshop

Let the Power of ICU Team (Danny Hill along with other ICU practitioners) lead your school or district in a one or two-day workshop!

Hear Danny and his team clearly articulate the Power of ICU formula:

Assignment Completion + Quality Assignments + Healthy Grading Practices = Student Success

We will customize a workshop based on your school/district priorities and needs. Topics may include the Power of ICU formula, defeating student apathy,  the powerful how and why of the Power of ICU’s unique approach, building layers of support, improving the quality of assignments and assessments, cleansing toxic grading practices, mastering the ICU Database, addressing learning loss, among many other options.  Learn from actual educators from various grade levels from various schools in the ICU network with keynote presentations by Danny Hill. Contact us today to develop a workshop that will leave a lasting impact on your teachers, school, and district.